Methods The phospholipases activity of Candida albicans isolated from 7 cases of patients with invasive candidiasis were determined by the egg yolk agar method, which was semi-quantitative. 方法从7例系统性念珠菌感染患者痰或大小便分离培养念珠菌,经API生化鉴定为白念珠菌,采用新鲜蛋黄培养基半定量测定磷脂酶;
A new method for diagnosing pullorum disease in breeding hens& yolk agar precipitin test 诊断种用母鸡白痢病的新方法&蛋黄琼脂沉淀反应
Study on the isolation and cultivation of Helicobacter pylori with brain heart infusion-egg yolk agar medium without blood 方法:浸液法。用无血脑心浸液卵黄琼脂培养基分离培养幽门螺杆菌的研究